Hiking at Pak Sin Leng 2008-2-10 (年初三)

Pak Sin Leng is in the Northeastern New Territories. Therefore, we had to take a minibus in Tai Po Market to the starting point. Along the journey, we went pass the eight peaks, each named after a fairy in Chinese mythology (as "Pak Sin" means "The Eight Fairies"). Our destination was Hok Tau Reservoir where I went wild camping over 10 years ago.
Praise to God. Although He didn't give us fine weather, we had a pleasant atmosphere and delightful conversations. Even though
He didn't cure my sickness, He provided enough strength for me to finish the entire trip and sped up my recovery (probably due to better blood circulation after the exercise). Despite advanced years relatively, I felt younger after finishing the trip. Counting all these, once again, I experienced how God turned challenges into blessings. The sole criteria was not to back out but to embrace the challenges.

P.S. After conquering the eight peaks, we soon noticed there was another bigger challenge waiting for us : climbing the stairs on our way back to the railway station. The muscle pain was really killing us.
Digging up some old pictures of my hiking at Pak Sin Leng on 2006-12-03, I found the sceneries so different under the sunny weather and I felt so much younger back then. Can I be fit enough to finish the eight peaks after 10 years? I hope so.
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