Hiking at HK Trail Sections 3 & 4 (2008-4-5)
Last week, almost the whole week were either rainy or cloudy. However, the weather forecast gave me a strong hope of sunshine for Saturday, the long planned date for hiking with my colleagues. Praise to God, it turned out to be the sunniest and warmest day of the week.
Continued from last time's finishing point, we set off at a bus terminus in Aberdeen. Transportation to get there was not as difficult as I thought. It was only 30 mins ride from Admiralty United Centre by Bus No. 70.
Upon meeting my colleagues, I felt quite uneasy. None of them was familiar to me while they were friends in small groups. It seemed hard to build rapport under such setting. Thank God, I was not the same shy old me ten years ago, thus soon be able to enjoy myself and the beautiful sceneries along the way.Quite different from last time, signs of spring were everywhere in this trip. With the blus blue sky as background, hills were covered with young green / brown red leaves and parks with beautifully blossomed Azalea. My favourite definitely was the 2nd half of Section 4 looking at the Ocean Park. The view was as gorgeous as postcard type of scenery.
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