Exhibition - Pixar : 25 Years of Animation
Undoubtedly 3-D animations from Pixar captured millions of children's hearts. My nephew is no exception. Monster Inc., Toy Story, Finding Nemo, etc., were important part of his fantansy world.
It did not surprise me when the news came out that the world tour of the "Pixar : 25 Years of Animation" exhibition would arrive HK on 28 Mar 2011. But it is quite surprising that the organiser picked "Hong Kong Heritage Museum" in Shatin as the venue, a rather remote suburb spot with limited transportation. However, to me and many other Shatin friends, of course that is a great idea!
Yesterday was a sunny day, I went there with my nephew and sister. Upon arrival, there was a queue, mostly secondary school students. Lucky us, Wed is half-price day. It only costed HK$25 in total for 2 adults and 1 child.
Entering the 1st exhibition hall, it was quite crowded but still exceptable. Sketches, story boards and 3D models are nicely placed around the room. However, my nephew kept asking where was the animation show. One can never capture a kid's attention long enough by static stuff. Fortunately there are rotating 3-D model, on-screen shows and interactive computer workstations (though too few of them).

.............................Lost and found - An incident happened. My nephew elbowed through the crowd and squeezed into a little theatre to watch the animation demo video while my sister and I waited outside. At the end of the show, we went into the theatre to look for my nephew but he already followed the crowd to get out. After a few minutes of searching, my sister's cell phone rang. It was my nephew. He asked a lady to help him call mum. Smart boy! I recalled just a week ago, I asked him what he would do if he gets lost. He said, "I would stand still and wait for dad and mum." Then, I taught him to ask other passerby to help call parents in case he waits too long. It was so amazing that he could apply this so quickly. Once again, it reminds me never underestimate a kid's potential. My sister asked him, "Did you say please?". He replied calmly, "I did not because I was in an emergency". He can always explain, and it always sounds valid. My nephew may not be very brave but he is definitely not a shy boy and is courageous enough to talk to strangers. Love him very much!
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