A tour to the Hong Kong Geopark (2012-02-12)

Never would I have imagined there is a national Geopark for a small place like Hong Kong. Thanks to my colleagues who organized this tour. Otherwise, I would have missed the world-class rock formations and geological features that are just within a close reach from home. For such precious opportunity, immediately I thought of taking Ching Ho to this trip.
The boat ride started at around 1:50p.m. and set off from Sai Kung pier. Around 30 people boarded the boat including 5 tourists, 2 from Shanghai and 3 from South Africa. The guide, Tony, who is a retired social worker, introduced about the formation of the volcanic and sedimentary rocks in the area. He highly recommended the High Island where we can see the spectacular hexagonal columns formed by contraction of cooling rocks. However, in his closing remark, Tony reminded us, “We are not going to the High Island today because it is not the right season”. How disappointing!

Two main focuses of the day were Ung Kong Islands and Sharp Island. Ching Ho was quite excited to see the sea caves and sea stacks near Ung Kong Islands. There was not much hiking as I expected. Instead, we stayed in the boat for two-third of the trip. The sea was quite rough because of the strong wind. Luckily, we arrived at Sharp Island and got off the boat before anyone got sea sick. With the professional arrangement, the timing was

carefully calculated such that we could walk on the tombolo which was only emerged at low tide. Ching Ho had strong curiosity and enjoyed himself picking up strange stones, leaves, etc., along the way. At one point, he showed me a flat dark gray "stone" and asked what it was. Of course I had no idea. Then he asked Tony, who plainly replied, "It is part of the broken outsole of a shoe." I could not help laughing!!!
Two IQ questions from Ching Ho
One evening, my brother-in-law suggested Ching Ho to share with me two IQ questions.
First question : 什麼「亭」是最有趣的呢?
Second question : 「沉默是金」,什麼是「橙」?
I got one answer right and my mom got the other correct.
We all had a good laugh. Ching Ho is the apple of all our eyes.... Love him so much!!!
Ching Ho's Joke
Ching Ho : Mum, what is the name of this fish?
My sister : It is a 東星斑.
(....after a while....)
Ching Ho : Mum, I cannot eat this fish.
My sister : Why?
Ching Ho : If I eat it, I will not be able to go to the next grade level.
My sister : ???????
Ching Ho : ...because it is "Don't 升班 !"
Love song
Still cannot believe
Ching Ho is 7 years old already. Yet, in his little mind, the world grows.
One day, my sister saw a paper on his desk. Read what were written, she asked Ching Ho, "Is it a love song for the girl you like?" He replied, "No." My sister promptly took a picture before Ching Ho threw it away.
Thank to my sister, I can read the lovely lyrics/poem and share the laughter.
Exhibition - Pixar : 25 Years of Animation
Undoubtedly 3-D animations from Pixar captured millions of children's hearts. My nephew is no exception. Monster Inc., Toy Story, Finding Nemo, etc., were important part of his fantansy world. 
It did not surprise me when the news came out that the world tour of the "Pixar : 25 Years of Animation" exhibition would arrive HK on 28 Mar 2011. But it is quite surprising that the organiser picked "Hong Kong Heritage Museum" in Shatin as the venue, a rather remote suburb spot with limited transportation. However, to me and many other Shatin friends, of course that is a great idea!
Yesterday was a sunny day, I went there with my nephew and sister. Upon arrival, there was a queue, mostly secondary school students. Lucky us, Wed is half-price day. It only costed HK$25 in total for 2 adults and 1 child.
Entering the 1st exhibition hall, it was quite crowded but still exceptable. Sketches, story boards and 3D models are nicely placed around the room. However, my nephew kept asking where was the animation show. One can never capture a kid's attention long enough by static stuff. Fortunately there are rotating 3-D model, on-screen shows and interactive computer workstations (though too few of them).

.............................Lost and found - An incident happened. My nephew elbowed through the crowd and squeezed into a little theatre to watch the animation demo video while my sister and I waited outside. At the end of the show, we went into the theatre to look for my nephew but he already followed the crowd to get out. After a few minutes of searching, my sister's cell phone rang. It was my nephew. He asked a lady to help him call mum. Smart boy! I recalled just a week ago, I asked him what he would do if he gets lost. He said, "I would stand still and wait for dad and mum." Then, I taught him to ask other passerby to help call parents in case he waits too long. It was so amazing that he could apply this so quickly. Once again, it reminds me never underestimate a kid's potential. My sister asked him, "Did you say please?". He replied calmly, "I did not because I was in an emergency". He can always explain, and it always sounds valid. My nephew may not be very brave but he is definitely not a shy boy and is courageous enough to talk to strangers. Love him very much!
Ching Ho - full of creative ideas
My nephew, Ching Ho, never lacks of funny ideas. One day, he was playing with another friend while my sister was busy with other stuff. After awhile, he patted her on the back and said, 'Mammy, look at me.' My sister turned around and broke into laughter when she saw his 'mustache' created by adhesive tape and sign pen. Love him so much!
Movie Time - Don't Go Breaking My Heart

Stopped posting new update in this blog for almost a year. It is time to pick it up again, or I would put it aside forever. Feeling down recently, I went to see Don't Go Breaking My Heart yesterday which seems a light movie and the audiences commentaries are quite positive.
2 hours, not boring, sensational casts and happy ending - this movie is delighful and met my expectation. I gave it 4 stars out of 5.
I do appreciate the interesting fantansies, funny exageration and clever romance ideas in some of the scenes. Might be I am getting old or my tear duct was clogged. At the supposingly touching scenes, tears did not came out, instead I could not help laughing. "What crazy ideas! Am I watching a cartoon/animation? But they are so lovely", I thought. Agreed with some commentaries, the movie is more about a contest of wits in winning a woman's heart than a soul stirring love story. Anyway, it makes one feel younger when seeing people express love and feelings in such creative and explicit ways.