
Business Trip in Shanghai (Jun 29 - Jul 3)

It's my 3rd time to work in Shanghai.

Everyone knew I seldom drink alcohol. But last time, during the 6-day trip in Jun, first ever in my life I said to myself, "I need a beer!" This time, I said to myself, "I need 3 beers!" One of the SVP entered the war room at 9:00p.m. and asked the team, "how are you doing?" Uncontrollably, the words slipped out of my month, "I'm dying."

Why I lived such a life? Running like a machine non-stop, working in the office at daytime, working in the hotel at night time till after mid-night, short lunch, late dinner (after 10:00p.m.).

Without releasing the tension, definitely I would go crazy. By luck, I switched to a channel showing a 2007 TV series, of which the theme song has such good melody that soothed my heart and alleviated the pressure already up to my neck. Once relaxed, I had the capacity to finish the work with a clear mind. Music is so powerful!