Evangelical movement
Just listened to the podcast about an interview on the topic :
"The collapsing of evangelism"
That was really a meaningful discussion of which a large part was about evangelical movement.
What I found most insightful? It was the last part where the guest speaker made a great point about how Christian should face the movement.
Host asked :
"Where do we go moving ahead now...with a lot of cultural shift...Let's face it, the election of Barack Obama, he signalled that it's a new day at least for political and evangelical involvement. So where do we go from here?"
Guest speaker answered :
"I think the emphasis should be not on thinking about what we, as a movement, should or should not do.
I think individuals, organizations and churches should just sit down and ask themselves, what is it that Christ is calling me to do today, not what do I need to do to make sure that evangelical movement survive. What do I need to do to make sure that the good news of gospel penetrates this culture...
Remember, evangelical is not a movement, a consolation of a bunch of individuals who are trying to do something culturally and politically. It is primarily a sensibility about who Jesus is and who we are he calls us. If we keep our focus away from the movement and more on Jesus Christ, the movement will take care of itself."
It was so true that focusing on Christ should precede what we do. Sometimes, I did catch myself placing the wrong focus and felt life ineffective/suffering. Some churches had the same issue e.g. doing a lot of works for "expansion" but not for "saving souls".
Recently, I talked to friends around. It was surprising to find so many Christians or believers had shaky Biblical foundation and unclear faith. This prompted some questions in my mind : what Jesus Christ wanted me to do by putting me here at this moment of time? Why churches kept asking the congregation to contribute/service but did so little to strengthen their spiritual well-being in the first place?.... I have not got any answers yet.