
New discovery - an awesome female singer from China

Wow, I almost missed this awesome and talented female singer - Jane Zhang.

Unlike other great singers in China, who sing only Chinese traditional melody, Jane Zhang sings English songs exceptionally well. No kidding, I think she reached international standard. (Mariah Carey is her idol. No wonder!)

Having said that, it does not mean that Jane is limited to only English songs. It is the opposite. With her vocal range and quality, Jane sings well in any types of songs, traditional or modern, high or low pitch, strong or soft, Chinese or Cantonese or Japanese...you name it.

However, what impressed me most is Jane's live performance :

【天下無雙 張靚穎】 四川大學110週年 現塲

[超級女聲] 張靚穎-loving you

张靓颖 Jane Zhang 印象西湖


張靚穎 但願人長久 & 忘記他



I could not help totally absorbed in Jane's singing. How unbelievable, she is only 24 years old!